Wednesday, December 05, 2012

Big Bang's Seungri Joins Twitter

All big bang hard die fans...
Recently our maknae Seungri has gotten himself a twitter account. 

Here's the link :

Happy Birthday To Me !

“Happy birthday to me. Happy birthday to me. Happy birthday dear KYRA. Happy birthday to me.”
YES! It is my birthday! The big two four. Yea, i'm officially sweet 24th yawww! :)
I can’t tell you how overjoyed I am today. It feels SO GOOD. I am so proud of myself and of everything I have achieved in my life so far. 
First and foremost I have the most beautiful and incredible people in my life who have gone out of their way to make me feel so special today and who are there for me every day. You know who you are, thank you, I love you! 
Secondly, i forgot to make my birthday wish.  Hahaha. My bad. :(
But heyyy, where's my birthday present ? Lol!
I am SO EXCITED for the future, and I just have to document the happiness I feel right now, so that I can always look back fondly.

Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Love Confessions

When you meet someone special you will know . Your heart will beat rapidly and you will smile without any reason whatsoever, and will feel the need to be with the special person every moment of your life.

Life Must Go On..

Past is past already.. You can never change it unless time will come back again but we all know it is very impossible to happen so the best thing to do is to make it correct if you're doing bad from your past and make the best of your life in the future without mess..

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Selamat Pengantin Baru Mr. Dimple

Sabtu yang lepas bangun je pagi2 tu, aku terus online twitter aku. Aku saje la check twitter aku. Check punye check…… DANG!!!  I saw something! Oh my God…someone that I used to know get married today. OMGEEEEE! I’m speechless!!  Totally speechless! Daebakkk! Okay ‘good news’ di pagi sabtu ni. 

And you know what, playboy yang aku pernah kenal dulu kahwin! Korang boleh bayangkan tak perasaan aku cane.. Aku kenal dia pun mase aku belajar diploma dulu…and aku still contact him until I meet someone special. Thanks to MR.DH. Because of him aku terus lupakan si playboy. Welcome to my life DH. Owhhh da out of topic nih..jom sambung balik cite pasal playboy malaya ni. Hahahahaa… 

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Gloomy Thursday

As the rain pours down,
The memories of our first meeting come,
I feel so pathetic,
You still have a place in my heart,
But do I have the courage to resist you?
Even so I’ll endure it a little more,
My love for you is so strong,
I tried my best,
But it’s impossible,
And now you’re no longer be mine,
I stop and wonder if you’ll come back to me.

Hadapi Dengan Senyuman

Last two weeks till now banyak sangat dugaan yang datang. Sometimes rasa macam nak give up everything. Let me rephrase again = EVERYTHING… It just I can’t stand anymore. Last week everything tunggang terbalik. Sampai aku terpikir apa salah yang aku dah buat sampai jadi macam tu. It’s so unfair to me. And the situation becomes more awkward. Kadang2 feels like being treated unfairly ya know. It really hurts me.

Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Dear Diary...

Entri kali ni sebenarnya aku nak story pasal family aku…… Mesti ramai yang tertanya tanya kenapa aku x pernah cerita pasal family aku kan. Actually…. kalau cerita pasal family ni aku lebih suka mendiamkan diri saja. Sebab……masalah family aku ni complicated sikit. Senang cerita, family aku tak macam family orang lain. Kadang2 sedih gak bile terpikir pasal ni. Tapi at least aku still ada mak dan adik aku. Ini pun dah kira bersyukur la sebab aku still ada mak lagi. Sebab tu kalo member ofis ke member masa belajar dulu duk sibuk2 cerita pasal family dorang aku mesti je senyap.

Saturday, July 14, 2012


Hmmmm .... Maybe im not lucky enough nak pergi konsert mtv ni. Banyak sangat halangan. Tipu la aku tak sedih nak let go tiket tu. Frust menonggeng kot. Just because tak tau jalan n i don't have anyone nak accompany aku. Thats 2 main reasons aku tak dapat pergi . A lil bit upset.... :( Because i tried so hard to get those tickets. So after ni kena selalu gi jalan2 kat KL. Kalau dah tau senang la nak gi tahun depan. Nasib baik MTV ni every year ade. Hahaha. I promise to myself... next year no matter what happen aku akan pergi jugak ! 

Friday, July 13, 2012


Fuhhhhh~ weekend has finally begun :) and i'm OFFICIALLY B.R.O.K.E :/ I wonder where all my money go *hmmmmm*

This post is pure random before going to bed post, as i'm still awake. Probably thinking this could be a a good kick start to my blog again LOL ! *i suppose*

It's been great so far ... things have been rather good, going smooth and exciting like i said people come & people go ..

Things that already take place are meant to stay in the past, look foward ?? hmmm...

Just a glimpse of memory would do ?? :B Yea you can say that ...
REALLY need to work on things ! Like seriously .

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Life goes on......

Not sure how long was it, that i told myself to constantly update this page, lol EPIC FAIL ! Things have been GREAT ? AWESOME ? SHITTY ? You name it ! Such different style & things that are happening right now & back then ... just ... too much too remember i guess lol ... random much, i actually miss my uni friends ALOT !  Now i feel like there's way lot more responsibilities to held & things aren't always the way u want them to be ... tragic ... That's life i guess :)

Tuesday, May 01, 2012


Hello peeps! Rase dah lame tak update blog ni. Fuhhh ! Berhabuk betul blog kyra ni. Lap lap sikit kasi hilang habuk ni. Hehe. Tahun ni dah terasa makin tua pulakk. Now i'm sweet 24th. Sweet laaa sangat kan. Sekarang ni dah start kerja. Baru la terase betapa payahnya parents nak cari sesuap nasi untuk anak2x. Kerja yg kyra dapat pun bukan la kerja yg di idam idamkan. Tapi bolehhh je la daripada takda kerja langsung kan. Tetapi jawatan Pegawai Tadbir tetap dihati. Hehe.

Cakap pasal personal life pulak tak bernasib baik. Still got no bf. Macam desperedo la pulakkk. Haippp. Takde bf pun takpe. I love being single yawww! Naik tahun baru ni takde la meriah sangat macam tahun lepas. Yo lahhh. Da start kerja, kawan2 pun ramai yg dah kawin. Kyra je yg tak kawin2 lagi. Hahaha. Ade aku kesah.! Gurau jewww. Alhamdulillah tahun ni kyra dah berubah. Dah tak macam dulu. Dulu2 darah muda, semua benda nak dicuba. Sekarang ni dah sopan sikit. Eh takkk! Sopan banyak leww. Maybe sebab dah tak rapat dengan danial devil kot. Hahaha. Perlu ke nak mention nama dia. Eh harus la, sebab kyra kan scandal danial. Tapi ada gak kawan2 tanya kenapa out of sudden je berubah. Senang je jawapannya, nak berubah perlukan alasan ke. Berubah ni biarlah ikhlas dari hati. Now i just wanna forget about my past life. No more nightlife and all those things. Focus on F.U.T.U.R.E  L.I.F.E!

Cakap pasal kerja memang dah rasa macam takda life la pulakk. Dah tak leh nak enjoy2 macam mase belajar dulu. Banyak sangat commitment. Nasib baik kawan2 kat tempat kerja ok. Kak afiah, kak nana & nadya semua ok. Yang paling kyra sayang kak nana. Sebab kak nana ni la tempat kyra nak curahkan perasaan ni. Cerita family sampai ke personal life pun kyra cerita. Tapi sayang kak nana dah dapat kerja kat tempat lain. Tapi takpe, kak nana tetap jadi kakak kyra selama lamanya. Okay lah sampai sini je story kyra.   Ada masa kyra tulis lagi. Goodbye peeps! See you next timeeeee~

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